Life & Career
Counseling & Coaching
English Italiano
Practice Areas
How I Can Help You

Reaching out for counseling can be very useful and effective, especially when you’re struggling with personal and sensitive relationship problems. Smart Counseling is equipped to help you address the full spectrum of couple, family, and individual non pathological issues in a thoughtful, compassionate and efficient manner to help you achieve your goals and produce the results you want in your personal and professional life. As you consider Smart Counseling, please remember that I offer a complimentary consultation so that you can determine if my practice is a good fit for your needs. Read my bio. Review my pages. Get a feel for my philosophy. Then, contact me. I’m here to help.

Teen counseling
This is a service where teens from ages 13-19 can get help face to face or online. It makes affordable, discreet, professional counseling and coaching available through a computer, tablet or smartphone. All teens can benefit from having professional advice at their fingertips to discuss issues such as coping skills, fear, stress, self-esteem, sadness, bullying, anger, eating habits or any other non pathological challenges.

One to one coaching
With a generative and creative approach you can develop new patterns and activate self discovery to be clear on your vision, hobbies and values. Also you can improve self care, treat yourself well with compassion and create connection techniques to make conversation effortless. You can learn strategies for mental defence and how to deal with shame or guilt. Thanks to a good reading of yourself you can recognise your own patterns of behaviour and overcome roadblocks and obstacles by developing innovative and creative solutions towards you success.
Motivation. Trust. Dedication.

I work with preteens, teenagers, couples and individual adults. I believe in generative coaching and NLP relational counseling which are designed to assist the client in meeting their goals very effectively. I want to be helpful from the first session and will help clients set goals for our work together. I prefer to work my way out of a client’s life instead of a long term approach. “I Have The Power To Change My Life!” is what Smart Counseling is all about.

I draw from my experience and tailor my approach to each client’s individual needs and goals. I handle sessions providing attentive and caring counseling and coaching. I act in partnership with clients by empowering them to make decisions in their best interests.

I understand that some life changes and challenges are complicated and multifaceted. I help clients navigate the changing landscape of these dynamics. I explain to them the work I do in a clear and understandable manner and they can make choices that make sense for them, enriching their lives both now and in the future. I understand the need to give back to the community and include pro bono and sliding fee representation as part of my work.

About me
I am a professional licenced counselor who has a private studio in the Lugano area. I am an Italian native, formerly expat in the UK and now resident in Switzerland. I have a college diploma in Human Studies and a degree in Business Studies from Brighton University. I received a Master in NLP and Counseling in Switzerland. For a long time I have been following and studying psychological research that is constantly evolving thanks to countless discoveries. We are learning many new theories about what it is to be a person, to have a human brain and nervous system. Lately we have become more attuned to the notion of mind and body, how they are connected and how each affects the other.  I rely on that growing reservoir of knowledge and expand my experience and training through international generative coaching courses (I’m member of the IAGC) and recently in coaching of the Creative Mind with the finest trainers in the world.  Prior to developing my practice, I was a staff member of the SOS Children and Adolescent help line unit in Lugano, Switzerland. I also worked for US multinationals and in the medical industry.  My current practice is named Smart Counseling for a reason. Instead of traditional talk, I want to support clients in finding practical solutions to their problems.

My clients have been positively surprised by the results they have obtained: ‘I finally grounded and found my roots’, ‘I closed a door and opened a bigger one ‘, ‘I feel really calm and confident now’, ‘I am so happy for the results and everything looks in the right perspective’, ‘My team meeting was great after working with you’, ‘ Everything went well in my interview,’ ‘That fear is history’ and much other wonderful feedback. I help professionals, artists, students, athletes, business owners, coaches, teenagers, families, couples, retired clients in dealing with different types of issues: insecurity, stage fright, family conflicts, work related stress, bullying, weight loss struggles, unhappy romantic life, grief, low self-esteem, giving up negative habits, dealing with break up, improving confidence in exams and interviews, and more, to move towards a healthier and happier future. I’m constantly approachable and responsive and continuously build confidence in clients and provide an honest, reliable and very respectful service. Feel free to contact me so we can discuss your goals and how working together can create the shifts.

Issues & Goals
Adjusting to Change Life Transitions Authentic Leadership Art & Sport Coaching
Career Counseling Creativty Entrepreneurship Interview and Entrance Exam Coaching
Life Coaching Life Purpose Meditation / Mindfulness Motivation
Peer Relationships School Achievements Self-care New Healthy Habits
Sleeping Issues Weight Loss Self-confidence Behavioural Issues
Breakup / Divorce Couple Issues Self-esteem Ageing and Geriatric Issues
Family Conflict Teens Issues School issues/ Bullying Caregiver Issues
Stress Management Fear Issues Loss & Grief Emotional Management
My studio is located at
Via Al Forte 2
6900 Lugano

I see clients face to face and online by appointment only. Sessions can be in English and Italian. Please email or send a text msg +41786590777 to schedule an appointment.